Top 5 Best Practices for eCommerce Website Design

eCommerce Website Design

Nowadays, almost all our actions are somehow connected to the world of the internet including eCommerce Website Design. And that is why this is a great time to be an eCommerce business.

If you wish to sell anything-whether it is a pencil or an iPhone or anything in between, you need to have the most amazing eCommerce website the world has ever seen. Through an appealing eCommerce Website Design, you can have a chance of building your brand, connect with more of your potential customers and have a chance of selling more of your products. But all of this is possible only when you can come up with the right eCommerce website design.

eCommerce Website Design
eCommerce Website Design


The entire process of designing a website becomes very critical when it comes to designing an eCommerce website. A good eCommerce website needs to have essential elements such as attracting colors that are relevant to the business, quality images, graphics, fonts, and content that would convince the visitors to purchase your products. Your eCommerce website should be able to provide your customers with a user experience they can never forget. 

This goes to prove that your eCommerce website doesn’t only have to be good-looking but it also has to be relevant to the brand. It needs to be appealing enough so that it motivates the visitors to take action and buy your products. But how can you make that happen? How can you design the most mind-blowing eCommerce website that will increase the number of your sales?

In this article, Nico Digital brings to you a list of some of the top eCommerce website design tips that can take your business to the next level.

1.      Make sure you keep the design simple eCommerce Website Design

The first and the foremost rule that you should be following when it comes to designing an eCommerce website is the rule of “KISS”-Keep It Simple, Silly!

When designing a site for your eCommerce business, keeping it simple is the best thing that you can do. The more elements you try to add to your site the more it will distract the visitors. Adding too many colors, banner Ads, and a huge number of Pop-Ups will only irritate the visitors. Keep your design clear and simple and try to focus more on the selling part.

2.     Try to think from the point of view of a visitor eCommerce Website Design


If you want your eCommerce website to be a success and generate sales for you, you will have to think from the point of view of a visitor. At the end of the day, there are just a few things that a visitor looks at on an eCommerce website. They have a good design, easy navigation, the shopping process should be simple and easy, the site should be hassle-free, and straightforward. And if you want your efforts to succeed, you better give these things to your visitors. 

Put yourself in the visitors’ shoes while deciding on the design of your website. What sort of layout will make it easier to navigate your website? How are you going to organize your products sensibly? And most importantly, what can you do to make the checkout process as simple as possible?

Thinking like your customer can help you anticipate what features they want in an eCommerce site and you can accordingly come up with a design.

3.      High-quality images get the job done eCommerce Website Design

According to a study, websites that incorporated relevant images into their design increased their conversion rates by more than 40%. And is even more true for an eCommerce website.

We all know how important images can be when it comes to designing, especially a website. None of your consumers are going to buy any of your products without actually looking at them. Coming up with a good product description is not going to be enough. If you want people to buy your products, you need to show them what they are going to pay for through high-quality images.

Providing professional quality images of your products from every angle will build trust in your products and the customers are more likely to buy a product they trust and have confidence in. But if there are no images or just one blurry image, your customers will hesitate to buy your products and as a result, your rate of conversion will decrease.

Hence, you need to add high-quality images to your eCommerce website.

4.      Treat branding as your top-priority eCommerce Website Design

When it comes to shopping online, people wish to purchase brands that are well established, not some e-commerce website that is faceless and appears to be a platform created to steal someone’s credit card details. 

If you want your potential customers to trust you, you need to generate sales from your eCommerce site, and to do that you need to be quite serious about your branding. Your branding acts as the DNA of your site and it gives your customers information about your business. It tells you about what your company is about, what do you do, and what makes you different from the other similar companies out there in the market. Branding plays a significant part when it comes to building a connection with your audience and getting more sales.

If you want to reap benefits from your eCommerce website, you need to clearly define your brand. A little soul-searching can help you a lot with your design. To make it easier, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • How would I describe my brand in just a couple of words?
  • If my brand was to be a person, who would it be?
  • What makes my business different from others?

Once you can figure it out, you can build up your brand and an eCommerce website. Both of them will help you together in generating more sales.

5.      Make sure you have scannable content eCommerce Website Design

If you are spending hours and hours coming up with really long and descriptive descriptions for your products, you should know that none of the visitors are going to read it all.

According to research, a large population of website visitors reads only around 20% of the content present on a web page. So, instead of making your content long, make it scannable. The visitors usually look for the key information. So, you should try to add them systematically to your content. The best way to do this is to break your content to make it scannable on all the pages. Whether it is your blog’s section, product description, or “About Us “page makes sure the key information is easy to identify. You can use short paragraphs, or bold sentences to grab the attention, or can even put points in bulletins. 

If your content is easy to scan, your visitors will get your message easily and you will be able to generate sales.

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